Many people who plan to have a bathroom renovation have misconceptions about what it will be like to accomplish the tasks involved. In this video, these misconceptions are refuted, and warnings are given to homeowners considering a new bathroom. One of the most popular warnings for remodeling homeowners is that the process will take longer.

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Plans will almost always be derailed – no matter how hard you try, so overestimate the length of your project.

Allow For Changes in the Project

It’s also likely that the project will cost more than you expect. Your contractor doesn’t purposely underestimate the cost – but new expenses will likely arise. For example, you need to decide if you want to move any of the electrical outlets in the room – because a moved outlet will drive the price upward. Before you allow the contractor to begin your project, you must source all the materials you’ll need.

Choose Your Contractor Carefully

Prices charged by remodeling contractors can vary widely. When choosing a contractor, you must ask prospective remodeling companies for pictures of their past jobs. You should take the time to look for prospective contractors in the Better Business Bureau. Your improved bathroom renovation will be a significant investment- but it will pay off with increased property values.

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